CCEDC Merry Master Your Membership Breakfast & Workshop
Join us on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 from 7:30am-9:30am at the CCEDC Office for MERRY MASTER YOUR MEMBERSHIP BREAKFAST & WORKSHOP.
BE READY to hit the ground running promoting your business in 2024, enjoy a lite breakfast and networking! Here's what you can expect and learn...
- Come meet the CCEDC Team!
- Learn how to deck the halls with boughs of success using your CCEDC and GLVCC member benefits!
- Discover new promotional strategies and online member tools to help you STAND OUT in 2024! Includes a review of the CCEDC website, FREE and PAID ways to advertise and promote your business and a walk-thru of the CCEDC Member Information Center. (Feel free to bring your laptop to follow along!)
- ALL attendees will receive special EXCLUSIVE pricing on CCEDC Advertising!
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register online or call 610-379-5000.
This workshop is FREE for Chamber Members! | $10 for Future Members
Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 5, 2023
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM EST
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
7:30 am-9:30 am (Breakfast, Registration & Networking- 7:30 am | Program begins at 8:00 am)
FREE for Chamber Members
$10 for Future Members/Non-Members
Contact Information
Kathy Henderson
Send Email