Business Education Partnership GOAL SETTING Meeting
You are invited to join us at the Carbon County Business Education Partnership meeting –
Thank you for your participation and involvement with the Carbon County Business/Education Partnership (CCBEP). As we continue to grow and evolve as an organization, we appreciate your involvement in our growth and success! The information we are working on may be used to modify current committee goals, form new committee goals, identify action steps, etc.
The color-coded diagram is the result our SWOT analysis work.
We ask that you prepare for the March meeting by reviewing the GOALS below, considering the work we did in the SWOT analysis and evaluating if the below goals should continue to be goals of this committee, modified or eliminated. Please also think of new goals you would like to see added!
Thank you for your participation!
Any questions – please reach out to Steve Ohl, Marlyn Kissner, Jodi Frankelli or myself.
Alice (484-274-2080 call/text)
The Partnership shall exist to promote collaboration between business and education, strengthen workforce quality, develop career opportunities, and foster a culture of lifelong learning in the Carbon County region. Through strategic, collaborative, and innovative action with business, education, government employment services, economic development and community entities, the Partnership shall maximize resources, enhance communication, and develop a workforce prepared to meet the needs of a growing 21st century economy.
The mission of The Partnership shall be to promote collaboration between business and education in Carbon County.
In hopes to increase awareness about this meeting and the importance of the outcomes, we are asking that you share with your coworkers, neighbors and friends. If anyone has questions as to whether or not they should attend, they can reach out to myself and/or Steve Ohl directly.
- Bring Small Businesses together – how do we reach more to participate? (what’s in it for them?)
- Host an evening event – dinner table conversations, go to where the parents are
- Host a job fair
- Discuss transportation and how it is a challenge – what can we solve?
- Resource guide – what is out there?
- Tours of what is here (a. teacher tours b. parent tours c. student tours) get inside businesses and manufacturers.
- We need student ambassadors
- Put out a survey to businesses, what do you need?
- Small info sessions with students
- Change wording from soft skills to ESSENTIAL SKILLS
- Engage men & minorities in this conversation
- Be better on social media
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Thursday March 17, 2022
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Carbon Chamber & Economic Development Corp.
137 South Street
Lehighton PA 18235