August 2022 Business Education Partnership Meeting
Our August meeting will be hosted at AMPAL in Palmerton. Please RSVP for adequate seating/space at the meeting. Agenda to follow. 2115 Little Gap Rd, Palmerton, PA 18071
Please save the date and time to join us for our meeting
Committee Goals:
1. Talk to small business owners/managers and tell them about our committee, Invite them to join you at the meeting. All committee members are asked to bring at least one guest with them, send name and contact info to Alice before the meeting. We ask that this person be someone from outside your immediate workplace.
2. Send resources to Alice from your organization ? example would be Workforce Investment ?soft skills? training; LCCC training resources.
Please RSVP with your attendance.
In hopes to increase awareness about this meeting and the importance of the outcomes, we are asking that you share with your coworkers, neighbors and friends. If anyone has questions as to whether or not they should attend, they can reach out to myself and/or Steve Ohl directly. You can use the following suggested script ?
I am on a committee that is on the cusp of taking strides in Carbon County ? impacting both the education sector and the business sector and most importantly bringing them together to work together for the betterment of you, me and our children. Would you like to join us at our next meeting on August 18th to be part of this exciting opportunity? We will have tours of the facility, the chance to meet with Educators and a meeting after.
You can learn more here:
The Partnership shall exist to promote collaboration between business and education, strengthen workforce quality, develop career opportunities, and foster a culture of lifelong learning in the Carbon County region. Through strategic, collaborative, and innovative action with business, education, government employment services, economic development and community entities, the Partnership shall maximize resources, enhance communication, and develop a workforce prepared to meet the needs of a growing 21st century economy.
The mission of The Partnership shall be to promote collaboration between business and education in Carbon County.
Please connect with Alice Wanamaker for a copy of the SWOT analysis
Thank you,
Alice Wanamaker | Executive Director | Carbon Chamber & Economic Development
Cell: 484-274-2080 | Email: |
The Partnership shall exist to promote collaboration between business and education, strengthen workforce quality, develop career opportunities, and foster a culture of lifelong learning in the Carbon County region. Through strategic, collaborative, and innovative action with business, education, government employment services, economic development and community entities, the Partnership shall maximize resources, enhance communication, and develop a workforce prepared to meet the needs of a growing 21st century economy.
The mission of The Partnership shall be to promote collaboration between business and education in Carbon County.
- Bring Small Businesses together ? how do we reach more to participate? (what?s in it for them?)
- Host an evening event ? dinner table conversations, go to where the parents are
- Host a job fair
- Discuss transportation and how it is a challenge ? what can we solve?
- Resource guide ? what is out there?
- Tours of what is here (a. teacher tours b. parent tours c. student tours) get inside businesses and manufacturers.
- We need student ambassadors
- Put out a survey to businesses, what do you need?
- Small info sessions with students
- Change wording from soft skills to ESSENTIAL SKILLS
- Engage men & minorities in this conversation
- Be better on social media
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
2115 Little Gap Rd, Palmerton, PA 18071